Sunday, January 31, 2016

Not Judgmental Just Interpreting: Hermeneutics

Much of your time spent on earth is spent trying to understand your surroundings, what your purpose is, how people interact and defining who you are as a person.
Unbeknownst to many there is in fact a method we use when trying to understand these elements of our lives.

Hermeneutics, what is it, why is this word relevant and why should you care about any of this? 


In its simplest form hermeneutics is the science of understanding or interpreting.
So to say we spend most of our time on earth trying to understand or interpret, well then you are really practicing hermeneutics.

 But hermeneutics is broad, there are 5 types of hermeneutics to understand.

  •            Natural
  •        Normative
  •           Scientific
  •           Philosophical
  •           Depth
Natural hermeneutics is interpreting everyday life. For instance, you meet someone for the first time, you  will probably “naturally” read this person intensely by their body language, how they talk, and how well they present themselves over all to make an assumption. This is interpreting in your everyday life and it is a normal function for human beings, thus the best example for natural hermeneutics. 

Normative hermeneutics is deliberate and rule based. If you are practicing normative hermeneutics you  will most likely follow strict rules or readings, and will wear a suit or maybe even robes depending on your career choice. This is because you will typically find normative hermeneutics being practiced by judges, lawyers, or priests. They are the prime example for those who interpret text.

Scientific hermeneutics, if you are in school, you have used it.  The scientific method is the key to understanding this type of hermeneutics, it is the foundation of most science experiments and how data is discovered and interpreted.

Philosophical hermeneutics is best explained in the classroom. It is a way of thinking and interpreting building a foundation of information and connecting with it somehow. When you read a text you interpret that text, it’s a constant cycle of reading and interpreting, finding meaning in the words on a page.

Depth hermeneutics is what I believe to be the most complex. There are so many levels to this particular interpretation involving suspicion of various levels such as ideology, the unconscious, language, and discourse. Many of these levels flow into the other but it is all about assumption and liberation.

So why does this matter to you? By understanding how one interprets information, you will find it helps to pull as much information as possible as well as providing an explanation for the conclusions we come to on a daily basis whether intentional or not.

To discover more information on hermeneutics and its history check out: